June 10th: Camooweal to Rancher’s Gate on West Side of the Road – 103.8 km

Day 240

It was a long day and we pedaled from 8am until 6pm, just before the sun went down. We have left the open spaces behind and now are seeing more and more trees. On our way we stopped to have a chat with Ludo from Belgium, who is cycling around the world. We could complain but he has one leg and even though we didn’t say it, we both acknowledged that our mobility is a blessing and not curse.


Even though the wind kept blowing in our face we pushed our speed up to 15 kph, and hoped the wind would die down the following day.


Perhaps it’s too early to tell but already the wind is dieing down. If that’s the case we will have an easy day with only 84 km until we get a hot shower.


Setting up in the dusk