July 23rd: Boyne River Rest Area to Granite Creek Rest Area – 81km
Day 283
Our neighbors stayed up late getting drunk around their illegal fire, while Cher and I, the “crazy backpackers” were in bed by the time the sun set and trying to get our full ten hours in before the sun rose. We were kept up by the same woman who said we couldn’t camp there, as she harassed her neighbors about how amazing fruit bats are. We never learned why, she just kept slurring, “they’re amazing, so amazing.” Although she did state that they don’t poop and their noses are shaped like upside down roses, although though we don’t believe the former and the latter is nothing to gush over.
Once again more great rolling hills, and perfect temperatures. But despite the circumstances we both were ready to move on. Over a long lunch, in a sunny spot we decided that we would cycle any further than Brisbane. We had planned to go as far as Sydney but after around 4,000 km, and almost 10 months on the road we were both itching to finish up our journey and reboot our lives. If we continued on to Sydney and climbed in the blues it would mean another 3 months on the road. Also, since coming to Australia our budget had doubled to around 40 per day and neither of us want to start from scratch when we returned to Hong Kong.
We rolled into yet another free camp spot and set up under some large trees. Although you get more bird poop under the trees, the leaves reflect the radiant heat and prevents the air from reaching the dew point, which keeps the tent a bit drier.