January 28th to February 2nd: Celebrating Chinese New Year by Climbing, Eating and Drinking
Day 107 to Day 112
Endless eating and drinking accompanied by non-stop fireworks are the major components for the Chinese New Year celebration. We managed to accomplish the eating and drinking part by having many bags of food from the market and several glasses of local whisky – Hong Thong. Many days of hard cranking on the rocks and pushing our physical and mental limits were almost as exciting as the holiday fireworks.
However, I did feel homesick for the first time since we started the trip almost 4 months ago. But at least I have Chopper by my side, sharing the craving for my mom’s home-made dumplings in the middle of the night while watching the CCTV Chinese New Year Gala.
Feb 08, 2014 @ 09:11:53