March 11th to 12th: More R&R in Krabi Town and Saying Goodbye to My Parents and Climbing Equipment

Day 149 & Day 150

After mailing our 11.5 kg climbing equipment, I am excited about getting on the road again, knowing this time our bags will be light as a feather. For that we owe our thanks to Upper Ross PCYC in Townsville, Australia. They are willing to hold our package till we get there, another couple of thousands kilometers away from where we are now. We will have to hop from island to island when we get to Indonesia, and take a flight from East Timor to Darwin, and travel light will save us a lot of energy as we hop on and off boats and planes for the next 2 months.

We met another cycling couple, Marie and Nico from France. They have Chopper’s dream gear – internal gear hub. So a mechanical conversation was ensued. Maybe for the next trip we will get a hardware upgrade, but it is a big maybe considering we are not even half way through our current trip yet.


We got Thai massages to calm our sore climbing muscles and put us completely at ease. We almost forgot that our vacation with my parents will inevitably end. But before we are back on the road, we have one more indulgence – two nights in Khao Sok National Park. We originally planned to do this trip with my parents, but my mom wasn’t well enough for a 3.5 hour bus ride. Nevertheless we decided to check it out after my parents had left.


Chopper booked a riverside bungalow, and the eco-friendly resort looks awesome – 80% of the 55 acre land they own next to the Khao Sok National Park is undeveloped jungle forest. There are many natural swimming pools in the river and hiking trails in the jungle. With movies and books downloaded and a bottle of Hong Thong whiskey, and plenty of green tea, we are certain to have a good time.
